Submit Your Article
ISSN : 2581 - 4583

Submit Your Article

Scire Science Newletter aims to provide a platform to express the science related thoughts through articles based on their knowledge or experience. The decision on acceptance or rejection will be depending on the editorial board. The authors are solely responsible for the contents and opinion expressed in the articles. Parallel/ concurrent/ submission of the same article to the other publication(s) are strictly prohibited.

The published work under Scire Science Newsletter will be licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license 4.0. It is an Open Access license, where authors let others to reuse, reproduce, copy, distribute with the appropriate citation and indication of the article.

Authors can send MS word file through e-mail to scireinfo@gmail.com After the acceptance, authors will be requested to fill in the copy right transfer form. The time and effort of the manpower and technology involved in the publication need to be rewarded. Kindly go through the publication fee and payment details Publication fee.

The route of publication

Authors are requested to go through the below given route of publication. We recommend you for organizing the article and rechecking for all the required headings and documents before submission.

In article formatting

  • Title
  • Author
  • Affiliation
  • Contact details
  • Keywords
  • Body of the article, starting with introduction, core part, discussion and conclusion without separate headings
  • Tables and Figures- if any (serially numbered)
  • Acknowledgement (If any)
  • References-If any, Maximum 5

Criteria for Publication

  • It must not have been published elsewhere.
  • It should be single author article
  • English is the acceptable language of communication.
  • The article must be capable for convincing its significant importance in present situation.
  • Articles are subjected to filtration.
  • Unless or otherwise specified the work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Submission Guidelines

Authors are expected to fulfill all the requirements those are requested. We urge all authors to follow scientific reporting style and stick on the consistency throughout. If you feel to have assistance in writing the article due to language incompetence, kindly contact us at scireinfo@gmail.com

Article style and format

Research Article

Title, Author(s)’s name and affiliation(s), Key words, Body of the article, starting with Introduction, Core part, Discussion and conclusion without separate headings, Acknowledgement- if any, and References- if any limit to 5.

Length limit: 2 pages



File Format

Microsoft Word


Times New Roman, 11 pt.

Line spacing





Page number Bottom, plain number -2
Figure number serially as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3.
Table number serially as Tab. 1, Tab. 2, and Tab. 3


Only universally accepted abbreviations can be used and it should be defined on first appearance in the text.

Page Background

No color, No watermark, No borders

Hyperlink and Footnote

No hyperlink or footnote are permitted


Symbols should be double checked before submission

Units of Measurement

SI Units

Species names/genes

Italics. For all species, authentic, latest Latin names should be given. Full generic and the species name with the authority should be mentioned when indicating it for the first time in the article, and in succeeding reference, the generic name can be abbreviated and the authority be deleted.

Cover letter

The cover letter should include the Title of the research paper, Name(s) of the Author(s), their affiliation followed by e-mail address of the corresponding author. The authorship cannot be changed once the submission is done.


It must be in sentence case, unless highly requires the capital letter in between. Title should be informative and concise. Abbreviations should be avoided.

Key words

4—5 key words need to be mentioned in alphabetical order. Abbreviations should be avoided.

Body of the article

It should be starting with Introduction, Core part, Discussion and conclusion without separate headings.


It should be in time and space effective manner with title (sentence case) describing what is in it. A proper explanation in the text should be given by referring table number, Example (Tab.1). Consistency should be maintained in units. Lengthy tables should be avoided. Column head must be in bold and sentence case with units in bracket. De-clutter the table by giving sufficient space in each column and row.


Clarity of the illustrations, figures and photo prints should be ensured. Unit of magnification and measures should be indicated wherever necessary. Legends to figures and photos should be given on the foot of the figure/photo with figure number. Example, Fig. 1: Description. Similar figures can be grouped to avoid large space consumption. An appropriate detail in the text should be given by referring figure number, Example (Fig.1).


It should follow alphabetical and chronological order. Citation in the text must be (Author, year) or (Author 1 and Author 2, year) or (Author et al., year).

Reference listing - APA format

Scientific Journal

Wangensteen H, Samuelson AB, Malterud KE (2004), Antioxidant activity in extracts from coriander, Food Chemistry, 88: pp. 293–297.

Proceedings of Conference

Xiu KK, Chen A, Billiand SS, Thomas P (2016), Effect of _________________. Proceedings of National Symposium on Biofulels, Name of the institute, Place, p. 1415.


David M, Kaimal S, Wilson D (2015), Topic In: Title of the book, Ed. Publishers, Place, pp. 333-338.


Jack LC (2014), Analysis of variation_____________, Ph. D. Thesis, University, Place, pp. 220.

Publication fees

Publication fee for the article will be billed upon acceptance.

Non SCIRE/SESR Members: ₹ 2000.00 $ 50.00
SCIRE/SESR members: ₹ 1700.00 $ 40.00

Remit the fee and send the scanned copy or the snap shot of the transfer proof to scireinfo@gmail.com with the below details.

  • Article number which you receive upon acceptance,
  • Title of the paper and
  • Name of the authors along with the contact number.

Bank Account Details

Account Name Scire Science
Bank ICICI Bank
Branch Kanjirappally
Account Number 074605000470
IFSC Code ICIC0000746